Top 10 Tips to Prevent Snoring

Everyone snores occasionally, and it’s usually not something to worry about. But if you regularly snore at night, it can disrupt the quality of your sleep—leading to daytime fatigue, irritability, and increased health problems. And if you snore too much at night, it keeps your partner awake, so this can create major relationship problems too.

Thankfully, you don’t always have to use fancy medication and drastic measures to stop it, because snoring is often linked to lifestyle, and there are some simple changes you can make to help prevent it. Here are 11 ways in which you can prevent snoring with simple, natural remedies.

1. Change your sleeping position

Sleeping on your back sometimes causes the tongue to move to the back of the throat, which partly blocks airflow through your throat.

Experts agree that most people don’t stay still while sleeping, but most also concur that a person’s sleep posture is very important to their ability to stop snoring.

Sleeping on your side or stomach may be all you need to do to allow air to flow easily and reduce or stop your snoring.

2. Change your pillow

A good foam pillow is made of supportive memory foam, giving you proper alignment for your head, neck, and spine. When it comes to snoring, this could help stop your airways from narrowing or becoming blocked.

If you can only get to sleep lying on your back, a plump pillow will stop your head from falling backward. This is especially useful for tongue-snorers, as it will help prevent your tongue from blocking your airways.

3. Memory Foam Mattress to stop snoring

If you are sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress, then you certainly are not going to have the best sleep which also means you will be more prone to snoring. Check your mattress for signs of aging, such as sagging in the middle. And if so, it’s time to replace it with a mattress like WHISPER to stop snoring by providing you the right support, comfort, and motion isolation needed to reduce or pacify you during your sleep.

Memory foam is a high-tech substance that molds to your body when you lay down. It conforms to the shape of your body, which is great for anyone who sleeps on their side.

Memory foam mattresses are being purchased more and more. The layers that make up a memory foam mattress work together to create this forming bed, which is easiest on pressure points including your hips and shoulders.

It also has a number of other advantages that can benefit you in the long run. For instance, memory foam does not feature any independent parts, such as coiled springs, that may break or jab you painfully as the mattress ages.

4. Use a humidifier

When the air you breathe in at night is dry you will most likely start snoring even if you don’t already. Extremely dry air can exacerbate the membranes in your airways, restricting your natural breathing rhythms and making the loose tissues vibrate when you inhale or exhale.

An air humidifier is far from the cheapest option on this list, but if your snoring is really causing problems, it’s worth testing out. The humidifier will add much needed moist air to circulate and will provide a more peaceful and healthy sleep.

Extra tip: Add peppermint or eucalyptus oil to the water to clear out the sinuses.

5. Treat your allergies

You may notice that you snore more often during allergy season. When your nasal passages close up, your respiratory system is forced to breathe more through the mouth. Treating your allergies with antihistamines before bedtime can help free your nasal passages back up.

You should also be aware of potential triggers in your home, such as pet hair, dust or the material your bedding is made from.

6. Try an anti-snoring mouth appliance

These devices, which resemble an athlete’s mouth guard, help open your airway by bringing your lower jaw and/or your tongue forward during sleep. While a dentist-made appliance can be expensive, you can try cheaper do-it-yourself kits.

7. Try throat and tongue exercises

Just like training in the gym can build up muscles in your arms and legs, a few vocal exercises can help strengthen your throat.

Some of these may seem a little silly, but they have been proven to work in many cases.

The muscles of the throat begin to relax and lose muscle tone over time. Strengthening your throat and tongue muscles can help reduce or even cure snoring.

Singing has been proven to strengthen and tone the throat muscles and soft palate, reducing the chances of snoring. Even if it doesn’t stop the snoring, it may make the noise quieter or less powerful.

8. Lose weight

Being overweight or obese makes snoring much more likely. It can result in more fatty tissue around your neck, which closes your airways and makes it harder for air to flow while you sleep. It also increases your risk of developing sleep apnea.

Losing even a little bit of weight will help reduce the amount of tissue in the throat that might be causing your snoring. You can lose weight by reducing your overall caloric intake by eating smaller portions and more healthy foods.

Remember that it takes your brain around 20 minutes to realize that your stomach is full. Try eating a smaller evening meal, or eat more slowly so that you have a better idea of when you’re actually full.

It is also important to be careful about what you eat before bed. Eating large meals or consuming certain foods such as dairy or soymilk right before bedtime can make snoring worse.

Exercise, in general, can reduce snoring even if it doesn’t lead to weight loss. That’s because when you tone various muscles in your body, such as your arms, legs, and abs, this leads to toning the muscles in your throat, which in turn can prevent snoring.

9. Quit smoking

If you smoke, your chances of snoring are high. Smoking irritates the membranes in the nose and throat which causes a buildup of mucus, blocks the airways and causes snoring. Of course, this is bad for your breathing generally – not just when you’re asleep!

While quitting is easier said than done, it can bring you quick snoring relief.

10. Avoid alcohol, sleeping pills, and sedatives

Alcohol, sleeping pills, and sedatives should be avoided because they relax the muscles in the throat and interfere with breathing. This means you’ll have less control over your tongue and throat muscles, so they’ll probably vibrate more than usual when you breathe in and out. The faster the vibration, the louder you’ll snore.

It shouldn’t surprise you to hear that the best way to avoid this problem is to avoid drinking alcohol at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Sleeping tablets also relax your muscles in a similar way to alcohol, so they can also be a reason for you to snore too much at night. They don’t provide a natural, refreshing sleep anyway, so they’re not the best option if you’re looking for ways to help you nod off.

If you’re really having trouble with insomnia, it’s worth seeing a doctor to check if there’s an underlying cause. Treating this will mean you won’t need medication to get to sleep and can remove one possible cause of snoring.

When to talk to your doctor

Snoring can disrupt your sleep and that of your partner. But besides being annoying, it may indicate a serious health condition. Seeing your doctor and trying one or more of the above treatment options can help you get your sleep under control.


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