Positioning Yourself to Embracing Health

It is probably everyone’s favorite sleeping position; one leg out of the bed while you lay down on your tummy hoping that the monster living under doesn’t snatch it right off in the middle of your peaceful sleep. Everyone is different in the way they like to snuggle up in bed to doze off to dreamland. However, different sleeping positions might not always be the best position to sleep in and may come with surprisingly different consequences over time. No matter what the perfect position is for you to get yourself cozy enough to drift into sleep, you ought to know the positions that are healthiest for you to make the most out of the precious time you have for resting your mind and body.

Are you one of many who suffer from back pain? Well, it’s no surprise that you are not alone in this. Many health studies have listed back pain as a “disability” which isn’t necessarily caused by serious medical issues such as cancer or arthritis. Back pain is endured due to many other simple reasons such as stress, bad posture, or a bad sleeping position you adopted out of comfort or due to a bad mattress! Nonetheless, a great amount of underestimated back pain is caused by adopting a wrong sleeping position and so it’s about time to name the best and worst positions to help you overcome not only back pain, but other troubles that go with it such as neck pain, stomach troubles, and even premature skin aging.

Who wins: curled up or straight as a log?

We’re all different in the ways we find comfort. One person might find it utterly comforting to sleep with their legs and arms widespread across the bed whereas another person might find it most comforting when they are cozied up in one small area of the bed curled up for warmth. However, comfort doesn’t necessarily equate to healthy! There’s no single correct position to sleep in, but there are some better than others. You should encourage yourself to get more used to these in order to reduce the risks of dealing with bothersome strains and pains in the long run.

Sleeping on your back must be the real winner though! This makes it easier for our neck, back and head to perfectly align making it the healthiest position with no extra pressure or strains as curvatures are non-existent, giving the spine the most comfortable alignment for a healthy sleep. Especially if you are a victim of back pain, sleeping on your back on a firmer mattress might be your best solution. However, sleeping on your back has only one downside – it doesn’t help suppress snoring that can potentially be the main cause of sleep discomfort and disorders.

If you are prone to snoring, the best sleep position for you which is also the second-best position for sleep would be side sleeping. Sleeping on either side of your body is of great help for individuals trying to overcome night snoring, general neck pain and it is also great for pregnant women with a pillow supporting the tummy. The cons to this position would include the possible acne or wrinkles that might occur from sleeping on the side of your face that could show up over time to cause premature skin aging.

Sleeping on your stomach is also one of the most common sleeping positions adopted by individuals, however, it is medically listed as the worst position to adopt during sleep. Stomach sleeping is never advised as it only induces pain by lack of support for the natural curve of your spine which leads to overarching. It also adds pressure to muscles and joints as it forces your neck to be turned in a certain tight position for the entire night which leads to both neck and back pain in the long run.

What’s the fix?

It doesn’t matter what position you opt for; the most important part of the equation is maintaining proper alignment of the spine. You should focus on specifically keeping your ears, hips, and shoulders aligned in order to avoid the unwanted pains. To reduce further strains, reduce the stress by using a pillow to fill any gaps between your body and the bed. We can all get a little fidgety during our sleep and you’ll want to be careful as you turn to always move your entire body to maintain alignment.

Other ways to achieve better rest and reduce bodily pains at night include: skipping caffeinated drinks for a calmer and less restless sleep, maintaining a sleep schedule to regulate the body’s sleep cycle to further reduce restlessness. Furthermore, save your exercise for the morning or afternoon rather than at night as it increases adrenaline levels and body temperature making it harder to fall asleep.

Looking for the ultimate fix? You might need to seriously consider the mattress you sleep on! Individuals with back pain, lower back pain specifically, are advised by doctors to get a firmer mattress. But not an extremely firm one as that also can inhibit sleep. A medium-firm foam mattress with good ergonomic design is the ideal surface to be sleeping on.

The WHISPER mattress is the right pick for you! WHISPER ensures the weight of your body is supported equally, providing support where it is needed most and keeping your spine aligned. The Quantum Foam is made to improve blood circulation and to cradle pressure points, preventing any cramps. Breathability is ensured from a mix of 3D mesh textiles to ensure it is well aired while tightly embracing the core of the mattress to provide edge to edge support for your body weight.

You don’t have to worry about the firmness or softness of your mattress anymore as it can be easily adjusted with the DNA core that the mattress offers,

Click the link below and get yours today and wake up ache free.
