The Best Temperature for Sound Slee …

Waking up in the middle of the night and not knowing why – tossing and turning for hours, sleeping with one leg inside the comforter and the other hanging out – we all know the struggle of not feeling comfortable temperature-wise when it’s time for bed.

What you may not realize is that the secret to a better night’s sleep might be less about your mind, and more about your body temperature. Believe it or not, the room temperature while you sleep could make all the difference for your health—and your waistline.

Too cold, and we shiver all night. Too hot, and we sweat it out. Neither is good for our sleep.

Ultimately, if you sweat too much during sleep, it means your body is trying to tell you something, and it could mean several things, from benign to more serious.
It is also important to note that our sleep is especially susceptible to tactile stimuli, particularly changes in heat. This stems from how our body responds to our circadian rhythm. As we transition from periods of wakefulness to periods of deep sleep, our body temperature drops. Like clockwork, our body temperature rises as sleep draws to an end. It’s apparently an important part of our brain shifting gears between the two states.

The problem is, your environment has a dramatic impact on your ability to regulate body temperature. While we can do something about the heat and the chill during the day (even if that’s just complaining about it,) we’re pretty vulnerable to it at night.
As we sleep, an environment that’s too warm or too cool can thwart our body’s efforts to keep our temperature steady. When it’s warm, our body starts to think it is time to get up. When it’s cold, our body starts to think we’re going to freeze to death (it certainly feels that way, at least.) In both cases, our brain reacts by switching on the lights until we’ve addressed the problem.

What is the best temperature for sleep?

Maintaining ideal sleeping temperature is key if you want to sleep soundly, and the best temperature for sleep is between 16-18°C. Temperatures over 24°C are likely to cause restlessness, while a cold room of about 12°C will make it difficult to doze off.
What you can do is check the temperature of your room and make sure that you aren’t succumbing to the effects of an overheated bedroom.
However, everyone is different and may have their own optimal temperature based on the needs of their body. Experimenting with gradually cooler temperatures could help you find your ideal personal sleeping environment.


A cool temperature can help to pump up your metabolism

The benefits of keeping a cool room don’t end at a great night’s sleep. A study showed that a lower bedroom temperature can lead to an increase in the brown fat (considered “good fat”) that helps boost metabolism–even during the day.
Research shows that sleeping in a room with cool temperatures can boost your metabolism almost instantly, and those who sleep in rooms that have temperatures of 19 degrees burn over seven percent more calories than those who sleep in warmer rooms.
This is because, in a cool space, our bodies have to work harder to raise our core temperature to the normal 37 degrees. More work means more calories torched. And that seven percent can add up fast, burning an extra 100 calories over 24 hours of sleep.
Also, dozing in cool temperatures could protect you from metabolic diseases like diabetes.


Anti-aging effect

Sleeping in a cold room could even combat aging. Research shows that we release more melatonin when sleeping at cooler temperatures rather than warmer ones.
Melatonin is one of the body’s anti-aging hormones and is released naturally with a drop in body temperature. This drop cues your body to release growth hormones that also help you to look and feel more alert and energized.


The science of sleep

The reason behind the sleep benefits of cooler temperatures has to do with your body’s core temperature, which follows a circadian pattern throughout a 24-hour period. This pattern reaches its peak around late afternoon and its bottom around 5 a.m.—a few hours before most people rise. A declining body temperature induces sleep, and a study of insomniacs showed that the inability to shed heat and remain cool could have been prohibiting their sleep.
While insomnia is a very real condition that deserves treatment, it’s possible that you aren’t giving your body a chance to properly cool down at night. If you think that might be the case for you, try turning down the thermostat and finding a cool sleeping temperature that works for you.


Choose the right mattress

For many sleepers, sleeping warm is a nightly frustration that is a perpetual detriment to restful and comfortable sleep. Your weight, home, climate, age, and personal preference can all impact how hot you sleep. These factors play into the bed you’re sleeping on as well. The combination of your mattress, mattress protector, and pillow are all involved in how cool or warm your sleep experience is.
The WHISPER mattress is composed of an open-cell foam that allows it to breathe and channel warm air away from your body and out of the sides of the mattress. This dissipates heat away from you and keeps your mattress from becoming excessively warm.
The WHISPER is covered with a high tech fabric that captures the moisture your body gives off while you sleep and accelerates evaporation in order to maintain a stable microclimate. The silver yarn component helps to protect against moisture, mildew, sweat, can be hypoallergenic and can aid in reducing symptoms of eczema, asthma, and severe allergies, especially to dust mites.


Colder is not always better

While the majority of us benefit from a decrease in temperature at night, it’s important to keep in mind that colder is not always better.
By altering your bedroom’s temperature you’re trying to help your body reach its predetermined optimal sleep temperature.
If your room is either too hot or too cold it would make this process more difficult and negatively impact your sleep.
You should always feel comfortable.

And remember, shivering is no better than sweating.


We guarantee that our WHISPER mattress will maintain a perfect temperature for your body and we back this up with a 100 night risk-free trial. Click the link below to check it out:


Top 10 Tips to Prevent Snoring

Everyone snores occasionally, and it’s usually not something to worry about. But if you regularly snore at night, it can disrupt the quality of your sleep—leading to daytime fatigue, irritability, and increased health problems. And if you snore too much at night, it keeps your partner awake, so this can create major relationship problems too.

Thankfully, you don’t always have to use fancy medication and drastic measures to stop it, because snoring is often linked to lifestyle, and there are some simple changes you can make to help prevent it. Here are 11 ways in which you can prevent snoring with simple, natural remedies.

1. Change your sleeping position

Sleeping on your back sometimes causes the tongue to move to the back of the throat, which partly blocks airflow through your throat.

Experts agree that most people don’t stay still while sleeping, but most also concur that a person’s sleep posture is very important to their ability to stop snoring.

Sleeping on your side or stomach may be all you need to do to allow air to flow easily and reduce or stop your snoring.

2. Change your pillow

A good foam pillow is made of supportive memory foam, giving you proper alignment for your head, neck, and spine. When it comes to snoring, this could help stop your airways from narrowing or becoming blocked.

If you can only get to sleep lying on your back, a plump pillow will stop your head from falling backward. This is especially useful for tongue-snorers, as it will help prevent your tongue from blocking your airways.

3. Memory Foam Mattress to stop snoring

If you are sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress, then you certainly are not going to have the best sleep which also means you will be more prone to snoring. Check your mattress for signs of aging, such as sagging in the middle. And if so, it’s time to replace it with a mattress like WHISPER to stop snoring by providing you the right support, comfort, and motion isolation needed to reduce or pacify you during your sleep.

Memory foam is a high-tech substance that molds to your body when you lay down. It conforms to the shape of your body, which is great for anyone who sleeps on their side.

Memory foam mattresses are being purchased more and more. The layers that make up a memory foam mattress work together to create this forming bed, which is easiest on pressure points including your hips and shoulders.

It also has a number of other advantages that can benefit you in the long run. For instance, memory foam does not feature any independent parts, such as coiled springs, that may break or jab you painfully as the mattress ages.

4. Use a humidifier

When the air you breathe in at night is dry you will most likely start snoring even if you don’t already. Extremely dry air can exacerbate the membranes in your airways, restricting your natural breathing rhythms and making the loose tissues vibrate when you inhale or exhale.

An air humidifier is far from the cheapest option on this list, but if your snoring is really causing problems, it’s worth testing out. The humidifier will add much needed moist air to circulate and will provide a more peaceful and healthy sleep.

Extra tip: Add peppermint or eucalyptus oil to the water to clear out the sinuses.

5. Treat your allergies

You may notice that you snore more often during allergy season. When your nasal passages close up, your respiratory system is forced to breathe more through the mouth. Treating your allergies with antihistamines before bedtime can help free your nasal passages back up.

You should also be aware of potential triggers in your home, such as pet hair, dust or the material your bedding is made from.

6. Try an anti-snoring mouth appliance

These devices, which resemble an athlete’s mouth guard, help open your airway by bringing your lower jaw and/or your tongue forward during sleep. While a dentist-made appliance can be expensive, you can try cheaper do-it-yourself kits.

7. Try throat and tongue exercises

Just like training in the gym can build up muscles in your arms and legs, a few vocal exercises can help strengthen your throat.

Some of these may seem a little silly, but they have been proven to work in many cases.

The muscles of the throat begin to relax and lose muscle tone over time. Strengthening your throat and tongue muscles can help reduce or even cure snoring.

Singing has been proven to strengthen and tone the throat muscles and soft palate, reducing the chances of snoring. Even if it doesn’t stop the snoring, it may make the noise quieter or less powerful.

8. Lose weight

Being overweight or obese makes snoring much more likely. It can result in more fatty tissue around your neck, which closes your airways and makes it harder for air to flow while you sleep. It also increases your risk of developing sleep apnea.

Losing even a little bit of weight will help reduce the amount of tissue in the throat that might be causing your snoring. You can lose weight by reducing your overall caloric intake by eating smaller portions and more healthy foods.

Remember that it takes your brain around 20 minutes to realize that your stomach is full. Try eating a smaller evening meal, or eat more slowly so that you have a better idea of when you’re actually full.

It is also important to be careful about what you eat before bed. Eating large meals or consuming certain foods such as dairy or soymilk right before bedtime can make snoring worse.

Exercise, in general, can reduce snoring even if it doesn’t lead to weight loss. That’s because when you tone various muscles in your body, such as your arms, legs, and abs, this leads to toning the muscles in your throat, which in turn can prevent snoring.

9. Quit smoking

If you smoke, your chances of snoring are high. Smoking irritates the membranes in the nose and throat which causes a buildup of mucus, blocks the airways and causes snoring. Of course, this is bad for your breathing generally – not just when you’re asleep!

While quitting is easier said than done, it can bring you quick snoring relief.

10. Avoid alcohol, sleeping pills, and sedatives

Alcohol, sleeping pills, and sedatives should be avoided because they relax the muscles in the throat and interfere with breathing. This means you’ll have less control over your tongue and throat muscles, so they’ll probably vibrate more than usual when you breathe in and out. The faster the vibration, the louder you’ll snore.

It shouldn’t surprise you to hear that the best way to avoid this problem is to avoid drinking alcohol at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Sleeping tablets also relax your muscles in a similar way to alcohol, so they can also be a reason for you to snore too much at night. They don’t provide a natural, refreshing sleep anyway, so they’re not the best option if you’re looking for ways to help you nod off.

If you’re really having trouble with insomnia, it’s worth seeing a doctor to check if there’s an underlying cause. Treating this will mean you won’t need medication to get to sleep and can remove one possible cause of snoring.

When to talk to your doctor

Snoring can disrupt your sleep and that of your partner. But besides being annoying, it may indicate a serious health condition. Seeing your doctor and trying one or more of the above treatment options can help you get your sleep under control.


We guarantee that our WHISPER mattress can help you get better sleep and solve your snoring problems and we back this up with a 100 night risk-free trial. Click the link below to check it out:


The Best Routine for Falling Asleep

Falling asleep may seem like an impossible dream when you’re awake at 3AM, but good sleep is more under your control than you might think.

A bedtime routine might sound like something that’s only necessary for the grade-school set, but following a nightly schedule can greatly improve the sleep of adults too.

Sleep experts recommend establishing a bedtime routine to calm and relax you as you get ready to sleep, but following a nightly routine doesn’t just mean curling up with a good book and mug of warm milk. In some instances, it means knowing when to cut yourself off from various daytime activities that can interfere with a good night’s rest. Here’s when to say when.

1. Stay on Schedule

Going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day—even on weekends—is crucial for setting your body’s internal clock, which is called your circadian rhythm. Staying consistent also means that the quality of your sleep will be better.

Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day. This helps set your body’s internal clock and optimize the quality of your sleep. Choose a bedtime when you normally feel tired, so that you don’t toss and turn. If you’re getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm. If you need an alarm clock, you may need an earlier bedtime.

Avoid sleeping in—even on weekends.

The more your weekend/weekday sleep schedules differ, the worse the jetlag-like symptoms you’ll experience. If you need to make up for a late night, opt for a daytime nap rather than sleeping in. This allows you to pay off your sleep debt without disturbing your natural sleep-wake rhythm.

Be smart about napping.

While napping is a good way to make up for lost sleep, if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night, napping can make things worse. Limit naps to 15 to 20 minutes in the early afternoon.

Fight after-dinner drowsiness.

If you get sleepy way before your bedtime, get off the couch and do something mildly stimulating, such as washing the dishes, calling a friend, or getting clothes ready for the next day. If you give in to the drowsiness, you may wake up later in the night and have trouble getting back to sleep.

2. Be Mindful of What You Eat and Drink—and When.

Nicotine and caffeine are stimulants that can take hours to wear off, so they’ll make it harder to fall—and stay—asleep. Avoid them for four to six hours before bedtime.  Though alcohol can initially make you feel sleepy, it lowers the quality of your shut-eye, so try not to drink in the evening. Also, pay attention to when you eat—going to bed on an empty stomach or hungry can keep you up later. And go easy on any liquids before you hit the hay to prevent trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

3. Create a Comfy Bedroom

Make your room peaceful and conducive to sleeping by keeping it quiet, cool, and dark. Earplugs are helpful if you live in a noisy area. Outside light can keep you awake, so try room-darkening shades. Your mattress and pillow also make a big difference. Ideally, mattresses should be replaced every five to seven years and pillows should be replaced annually. A mattress should feel comfortable, and if you sleep with a partner, make sure it’s big enough so you both have plenty of space.

Your bed covers are also important, they should leave you enough room to stretch and turn comfortably without becoming tangled. If you often wake up with a sore back or an aching neck, you may need to experiment with different levels of mattress firmness & foam toppers.

4. Start an Evening Ritual

Whether it’s curling up with a book, listening to calming music or taking a warm bath, doing the same, relaxing thing every night will signal to your body that it’s time to settle down. However, avoid watching TV or looking at any laptop, tablet or smartphone screens before hitting the hay, since those activities can trigger your brain to stay awake.

5. Control your exposure to light

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone controlled by light exposure that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Your brain secretes more melatonin when it’s dark—making you sleepy—and less when it’s light—making you more alert. However, many aspects of modern life can alter your body’s production of melatonin and shift your circadian rhythm.

At day expose yourself to bright sunlight in the morning. The closer to the time you get up, the better. Have your coffee outside, for example, or eat breakfast by a sunny window. The light on your face will help you wake up.

At night avoid bright screens within 1-2 hours of your bedtime. The blue light emitted by your phone, tablet, computer, or TV is especially disruptive. You can minimize the impact by using devices with smaller screens, turning the brightness down, or using light-altering software.

6. Don’t Watch the Clock

Staring at the clock when you can’t sleep can stress you out and make it even harder to snooze. Keep your bedroom clock turned away from you so that you won’t be tempted to watch time tick by. If 20 minutes pass and you still can’t fall asleep, get out of bed and do something peaceful until you feel drowsy.

7. Exercise during the day

People who exercise regularly sleep better at night and feel less sleepy during the day. Regular exercise also improves the symptoms of insomnia and sleep apnea and increases the amount of time you spend in the deep, restorative stages of sleep.

The more vigorously you exercise, the more powerful the sleep benefits. But even light exercise—such as walking for just 10 minutes a day—improves sleep quality.

It can take several months of regular activity before you experience the full sleep-promoting effects. So be patient and focus on building an exercise habit that sticks.

It’s very necessary to mention that exercise speeds up your metabolism, elevates body temperature, and stimulates hormones such as cortisol. This isn’t a problem if you’re exercising in the morning or afternoon, but too close to bed and it can interfere with sleep.

So try to finish moderate to vigorous workouts at least three hours before bedtime. If you’re still experiencing sleep difficulties, move your workouts to even earlier.


We guarantee that our WHISPER mattress can and will help you fall asleep faster and improve your evening routine and we back this up with a 100 night risk-free trial. Click the link below to check it out:


Why More Sleep Means More Happiness

Remember those middle school days where your parents forced you to sleep early and you utterly hated it? You detested missing a chance to stay awake and continued playing outdoors with your friends or watching a classic like Barney or Teletubbies. Oh, how the tables have turned! Nowadays sleeping early makes you a champ! Your friends get all envious asking “how did you do it?!” With the hectic and eventful life that most of us lead nowadays, one of the things we most crave is precious sleep! Be it work pressure, finishing up your university essay or training for a big competition you have coming up, sleep comes secondary and we are willing to easily give it up in order to succeed or simply to make more out of our day!

Sleep is for the weak they say, but have you ever thought how the lack of sleep actually causes you to be mentally, emotionally, and physically weak in some aspects? We can’t deny that at times it is probably a good option to cut back on an hour or two of sleep in order to finish up something urgent, but did you think of the consequences of when cutting back on sleep hours becomes a habit? The big talk that all health specialists go on about how a minimum of 7 hours of sleep is the aim when you become an adult is no joke! Lack of sleep can, in fact, massively impact your life, both personally and professionally, and take a toll on you in noticeable ways. Some individuals might be making enough time for a good night’s sleep, but due to many factors such as stress, diet, and other things, find themselves up awake most of the night being restless resulting in sleep deprivation. These people are numerous and their numbers are on the rise.

Less ZZZ’s more D’s on a report card?

You might expect so. Numerous studies have proven a negative relationship between loss of sleep and productivity. The less sleep you get, the more you begin to lose focus, drive, motivation, and concentration. Your body has simply not received sufficient energy to reach your optimum level of performance to help you successfully complete daily tasks and excel to overcome obstacles. The brain gets easily distracted and wanders away from the important things and so the loss of concentration is also one of the main effects of a decreased amount of sleep. This means that you might want to actually opt for sleeping that one hour extra rather than revising for the last chapter you have left to improve your chances at a better score and improve your idea generation process.

Not only does it not allow high efficiency, but sleep deprivation also massively alters your mood to further make you neither a morning person or a night person, but probably not a day person altogether! You know how some people get cranky when they’re hungry? The same goes for people who are sleep deprived, and in extreme cases of sleep deprivation or even insomnia, it can be a massive contributing factor to depression among individuals which again adds on to lack of productivity and to the chances of damaging personal relationships in your life.

Any gym freaks in the house? You must have noticed how your performance at the gym is rather poor when you get less sleep the night before due to a big party you attended or you just binged watched your favorite series all night! Lack of sleep gives you less energy throughout the day and in turn, greatly affects your physical performance as there is less energy to be exerted to reach that goal of a 5km run you aim for. There has also been research spreading about how there is a strong link between lack of sleep and obesity. Keep that summer body going by maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, working harder and keeping your metabolism running.

Can more sleep save your relationships?

We can all get a little cranky from a lack of sleep. However, when it becomes a habit, it can cause serious harm to our personal relationships due to the change in the amount of effort we put in or the way we interact with our loved ones. We can be constantly in an irritated mood around them and overreact to situations which need us to be calm as a lack of energy can sometimes cause us to make irrational decisions that can harm friends and family.

Interpersonal relationships at work can also be at risk. It is essential to create healthy relationships with your colleagues and boss to create a positive work environment. This will allow your mood to be lifted and enhances trust and communication which contributes to higher productivity and efficiency at work. Your motivation is also improved when you achieve the most blissful 8 hours of sleep. Trust me, you’ll start to see the difference!

How do we achieve a good quality and a sensible quantity of sleep?

A good amount of sleep is sometimes unachievable due to the nature of the busy lives we have. Sometimes it just might be for the best to stay up late if you are working on a project or attending an important event that all your friends are going to. Nevertheless, good sleep is never too hard to obtain! Read below for some tips on how to get more hours of peaceful and much-needed sleep.

As much as possible, you need to try to keep in sync with your body’s sleep cycle. This would include going to bed at almost the same time every day or fight that afternoon nap to be able to fall asleep quicker and easier when it comes to night time. This will help avoid the sleepless nights you might sometimes experience due to an inconsistent sleep pattern.

A major fix that might not always sound pleasant to all is exercise! Exercising during the day will help you increase the amount of deep sleep you experience during the night to make up for all the lost energy you have made use of during your active hours. It further helps overcome sleep disorders such as insomnia as exercise is known to help you feel more relaxed and at ease by excreting happy hormones into the body. So, it is definitely not a bad idea to hit the treadmill after a hectic day at work.

Avoid staying up late doing tasks that are due the next day or have passed the due date already and you are pressured into giving up your precious sleep to complete them. Next time, it might be a great idea to start using a planner to plan out your activities during the day more effectively and efficiently to always make sure you plan accordingly in order to assure you go to bed at a good time for a good night’s rest.

Another major thing to look out for if you want to fix your sleeping pattern would be what you eat or drink before bed. Avoid heavy meals filled with carbs which can cause stomach irritations or heartburns. It also goes without saying to avoid having nicotine, caffeine or alcohol before bed as they interfere in your sleep cycle and disrupt the pattern of sleep to keep you up at night. To ensure continuous sleep with no disruptions, avoid high liquid intake so you don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night and disturb your sleep to go to the bathroom.

Last but not least! It might come as a surprise but the mattress you sleep on can play a major role in your sleep experience. Your mattress might be one of the main reasons for your sleep disruptions. It can be due to your mattress getting too hot leading to night sweats, uncomfortable sleeping positions which lead to cramps due to low mattress support or even it might just not be of the right firmness or softness for you!

You might want to go out and grab a more personalized mattress to suit your sleep needs and you’ll start to notice a difference for sure. The WHISPER mattress creates the perfect sleep experience with a well ventilated, thermoregulated fabric to avoid night sweats as heat is not trapped within and easily escapes to allow you to experience cooler sleep. The mattress features the DNA core which is made up of two different sides, a firm one and a soft one, to match your sleeping needs. WHISPER is like no other mattress with its Silver Shield technology to create an invisible bubble around your bed to stop the interference of EMFs (Electromagnetic Waves) that are emitted from your electronic devices in the room and also contribute to disrupting sleep cycles. The WHISPER mattress is completely glue-free and made with real silver yarn which ensures the mattress stays bacteria free and odorless for many times to come.

Check out the link below to learn more about the WHISPER’s mattress and its many more incredible features and get yourself started on the journey of sleep you won’t forget.


When Sleep Comes in Different Sizes

Ever wanted to feel like you are sleeping in an infinite bed where you can roll about and spread out as much as you like? Well, we can’t have it all but we can certainly choose what’s best for us! The size of your mattress can play a pivotal role when it comes to overcoming certain sleep obstacles that you face on a nightly basis. It’s not all about the firmness or softness of your mattress or the material it is made out of, but a comfortable sleep also consists of having the right mattress size.

It’s not uncommon to feel sleepless due to sleep discomfort. If your mattress is too small and you find yourself fighting with your partner, restless and fidgety, or you’re annoyed by how your feet keep dangling off the bed, it is time to get a bigger mattress. However, bigger mattresses are not always convenient as it might be a hassle to find the correct size for your sheets and covers. On the other hand, a small mattress is not always a proper choice, especially if your child has a habit of falling off the bed at night! Let’s discover the different factors we should be taking into account when it comes to the size of our mattress:

Your Mattress Checklist:

There’s quite a lot to take into account when choosing your next mattress, and size might be one of the easier things to decide in comparison to the other details such as the firmness or type of mattress. It is rather easy to decide on, but don’t underestimate its power for good quality sleep. Rather, take some time to consider all the options before making the final decision.

1. Spaciousness

We might not all adopt the starfish sleeping position while sleeping but nonetheless, the room to move is the most important factor to keep in mind when choosing your mattress size. After deciding if you want the bed to fill up most of your bedroom or you want to keep some space for a dresser, bookshelf, etc., decide on your sleep style. As mentioned previously, restless sleepers are known to keep the other partner up at night so in this case, a bigger mattress to reduce motion transfer is key. If your child is prone to falling off the bed due to heavy dreaming or simply being restless as well, for his/her safety you might want to go for a double sized bed and not a regular single.

2. Who’s in the bed?

Children grow up incredibly fast and in no time, they’ll be needing a bigger mattress. It’s often economical to choose a size or two bigger for your child to save up on some of the extra cost and hassle that come with purchasing a new mattress. If you’re buying a bed as a couple, consider how much space you both prefer. Fidgety partners might prefer a king size, where as a couple who are both peaceful and solid sleepers might go for a queen-size mattress.

3. Comfort

Consider what simply floats your boat! You don’t necessarily have to be a restless sleeper to like a bit of extra space, even if you are sleeping alone. Consider aspects such as your height to know the perfect mattress to keep your legs tucked in, or maybe the sleeping position you adopt. For a comfortable sleep, your whole body should stay within the boundaries of the mattress. If you like being curled up on your side then you probably wouldn’t mind a single bed, whereas someone sleeping like a starfish definitely needs all the extra space he or she could get!

4. Bed Covers

Don’t forget to keep in mind the dimensions of your mattress as it isn’t always easy to find fitted sheets and covers for all sizes. It’s always easiest to get the standardly sized bedsheets so going for an unusually sized or heightened mattress might be a cause of stress and extra cash that might need to be spent. As much as possible try to opt for a mattress height of no more than 28cm so most regular fitted sheets can fit with no difficulty.

The Right Mattress for You

We all know the standard sizes: single, double, queen and king size! Well, what if I let you in on a little secret and told you that the perfect sleep you’ve been looking for can be found in all sizes?

Check out the WHISPER mattress to find out about what I’m talking about! The mattress that is made just for you and your convenience as it is not taller than 28cm; all mattresses higher than that would need custom sized sheets which can be a great pain to find! In addition to the optimal height, the WHISPER mattress works on all surfaces; be it slated, solid box, box spring or an adjustable frame!

The best feature to help ease your mattress decision-making process would be the highly sensitive and responsive Quantum Foam it is made out of which ensures low motion transfer from your partner’s restless movement to ensure you get a blissful undisturbed sleep all night long!

Available in sizes: (90 x 200) (100 x 200) (140 x 200) (160 x 200) (180 x 200) (200 x 200)

Check out the link below and find a size that meet your needs!


Positioning Yourself to Embracing H …

It is probably everyone’s favorite sleeping position; one leg out of the bed while you lay down on your tummy hoping that the monster living under doesn’t snatch it right off in the middle of your peaceful sleep. Everyone is different in the way they like to snuggle up in bed to doze off to dreamland. However, different sleeping positions might not always be the best position to sleep in and may come with surprisingly different consequences over time. No matter what the perfect position is for you to get yourself cozy enough to drift into sleep, you ought to know the positions that are healthiest for you to make the most out of the precious time you have for resting your mind and body.

Are you one of many who suffer from back pain? Well, it’s no surprise that you are not alone in this. Many health studies have listed back pain as a “disability” which isn’t necessarily caused by serious medical issues such as cancer or arthritis. Back pain is endured due to many other simple reasons such as stress, bad posture, or a bad sleeping position you adopted out of comfort or due to a bad mattress! Nonetheless, a great amount of underestimated back pain is caused by adopting a wrong sleeping position and so it’s about time to name the best and worst positions to help you overcome not only back pain, but other troubles that go with it such as neck pain, stomach troubles, and even premature skin aging.

Who wins: curled up or straight as a log?

We’re all different in the ways we find comfort. One person might find it utterly comforting to sleep with their legs and arms widespread across the bed whereas another person might find it most comforting when they are cozied up in one small area of the bed curled up for warmth. However, comfort doesn’t necessarily equate to healthy! There’s no single correct position to sleep in, but there are some better than others. You should encourage yourself to get more used to these in order to reduce the risks of dealing with bothersome strains and pains in the long run.

Sleeping on your back must be the real winner though! This makes it easier for our neck, back and head to perfectly align making it the healthiest position with no extra pressure or strains as curvatures are non-existent, giving the spine the most comfortable alignment for a healthy sleep. Especially if you are a victim of back pain, sleeping on your back on a firmer mattress might be your best solution. However, sleeping on your back has only one downside – it doesn’t help suppress snoring that can potentially be the main cause of sleep discomfort and disorders.

If you are prone to snoring, the best sleep position for you which is also the second-best position for sleep would be side sleeping. Sleeping on either side of your body is of great help for individuals trying to overcome night snoring, general neck pain and it is also great for pregnant women with a pillow supporting the tummy. The cons to this position would include the possible acne or wrinkles that might occur from sleeping on the side of your face that could show up over time to cause premature skin aging.

Sleeping on your stomach is also one of the most common sleeping positions adopted by individuals, however, it is medically listed as the worst position to adopt during sleep. Stomach sleeping is never advised as it only induces pain by lack of support for the natural curve of your spine which leads to overarching. It also adds pressure to muscles and joints as it forces your neck to be turned in a certain tight position for the entire night which leads to both neck and back pain in the long run.

What’s the fix?

It doesn’t matter what position you opt for; the most important part of the equation is maintaining proper alignment of the spine. You should focus on specifically keeping your ears, hips, and shoulders aligned in order to avoid the unwanted pains. To reduce further strains, reduce the stress by using a pillow to fill any gaps between your body and the bed. We can all get a little fidgety during our sleep and you’ll want to be careful as you turn to always move your entire body to maintain alignment.

Other ways to achieve better rest and reduce bodily pains at night include: skipping caffeinated drinks for a calmer and less restless sleep, maintaining a sleep schedule to regulate the body’s sleep cycle to further reduce restlessness. Furthermore, save your exercise for the morning or afternoon rather than at night as it increases adrenaline levels and body temperature making it harder to fall asleep.

Looking for the ultimate fix? You might need to seriously consider the mattress you sleep on! Individuals with back pain, lower back pain specifically, are advised by doctors to get a firmer mattress. But not an extremely firm one as that also can inhibit sleep. A medium-firm foam mattress with good ergonomic design is the ideal surface to be sleeping on.

The WHISPER mattress is the right pick for you! WHISPER ensures the weight of your body is supported equally, providing support where it is needed most and keeping your spine aligned. The Quantum Foam is made to improve blood circulation and to cradle pressure points, preventing any cramps. Breathability is ensured from a mix of 3D mesh textiles to ensure it is well aired while tightly embracing the core of the mattress to provide edge to edge support for your body weight.

You don’t have to worry about the firmness or softness of your mattress anymore as it can be easily adjusted with the DNA core that the mattress offers,

Click the link below and get yours today and wake up ache free.


Should You Let Your Pets Share Your …

It’s one of the great debates among pet owners: should you let your pets sleep on the bed?

Some people would never consider it, while others love snuggling up with their pet at the end of the day.

Before letting a pet into your bed, there are a few things to consider.

Some studies found that people who were sharing a bed with their pet took about four minutes longer to fall asleep and felt tired when they woke up, although the drowsiness didn’t last all day.

But four minutes seems insignificant compared to the cuddles and bonding time sharing a bed allows you and your pet. A pet usually won’t affect your sleep enough to kick them out.

As long as you and your partner don’t have allergies (think of the potential pet hair in your bed) and clean your sheets, mattress and pillows often, sleeping with your pets shouldn’t have much of an impact on the quality of your sleep.

So before jumping to any conclusions, what are some of the risks and benefits of sleeping with our pets?


1. Sleeping with your pet can make you feel safer and more secure.

2. Petting your cat or dog releases oxytocin in the brain, so sleeping with them has a similar effect. You may feel less stressed and more relaxed with them in bed with you.

3. Sleeping with your pet, just like sleeping with your partner, strengthens your physical and emotional bond. Plus, if you get the best mattress for sleeping with a pet, you can bond when you want to and sleep when you don’t.

4. Also for some pet owners, just knowing that a warm fuzzy body is there and hearing the rhythmic breathing of their pet can help lull them to sleep.

5. This is also true for many pets, sleeping with you just makes them happy. That warmth and comfort are even more noticeable when it’s cold.

1. They Might Wake You Up

As you can imagine, if your pet – especially a bigger dog – stirs in the middle of the night, snores, or likes to sprawl out, it may interrupt your sleep.

If this situation sounds familiar to you, you could experience sleep deprivation, and sleep deprivation can lead to various health issues. If you do have a dog that likes to take up as much space as possible it may be a good idea to have them sleep near you but in their own special spot. 

2. Pets Could Worsen Allergies

You may not notice it during the day because you are not right up against your pet, but having them sleeping in your bed could aggravate symptoms of allergy sufferers. If you do suffer from allergies, it is recommended that you do not let your pet sleep in bed with you.

While it’s impossible to control every piece of dirt, every mite, and every allergen that may accompany our pets, we can limit them in our mattress. By this, we mean that there are many mattresses designed to repel dust mites and other allergens. Going this route can save a lot of trouble down the road.

Hypoallergenic mattresses that clean themselves reduce those allergy symptoms. Our WHISPER mattress which has covers woven with real silver yarn prevent dust mites, bed bugs, and pet dander from getting into your mattress. This also helps extend the life of your mattress and guards against stains, tears, and dirt from your pet.

Now that we’ve established that, let’s talk about another aspect to look up in your mattress. Which is the best mattress for you and your dog or cat to share?

There are certain mattresses that are better if you plan to sleep with your furry friend. Just like a partner, animals move around on the mattress, get up in the middle of the night, and jump in and out of bed.

Chances are if you can feel the mattress moving every time your pet moves, you aren’t going to get much sleep. If you’re planning to let your pets share your bed, you may want to consider getting a mattress with low motion transfer. Memory foam mattresses are great for this, with very little motion transfer.

Because the foam conforms to your body, you will sink slightly into the bed and be less disturbed by your pet moving around. This becomes especially important for light sleepers or owners of large dogs or particularly frisky cats.


Pet ownership is rewarding, but it can also come with a few extra concerns, too. By considering some of these finer points before that big mattress purchase, you’re much more likely to be fully satisfied with your choice later on.  In the end, mattresses that are good for pets are mattresses that are good for pet owners as well.


How to Have a Better Night’s Slee …

Although stress and anxiety are part of everyday life for most of us, they’re known to be a cause for sleeping issues and lack of sleep. When you lack sleep, it activates the part of the brain that increases worry and continuous worrying.

Sometimes insomnia and nightmares lead to anxiety when it’s time to sleep, thus further perpetuating sleep disturbances.

So, sleep deprivation can cause anxiety and anxiety can cause sleeping problems. The sleeping issues can lead to other health risks like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and stroke.

Getting good sleep can help reduce anxiety and stress, which can also help with many symptoms including mood, memory, concentration, and the ability to learn and retain information.

Here are some tips to help you improve your quality of sleep and manage your anxiety:

1. Move your body

Exercise has been found to both lower anxiety and improve sleep. But try not to exercise right before sleeping, as it can keep you awake. Moving your body in the morning or afternoon can help you get your sleep and wake cycle back on track and also treat insomnia or sleep apnea.

2. Mattress to reduce anxiety

Sleeping on a saggy, lumpy mattress can also cause back pain and aching muscles. The lack of support in an old mattress allows your spine to bend and this can place a strain on muscles and joints, causing stiffness and soreness.

Another risk of a bad mattress is insomnia. You end up tossing and turning for hours after you go to bed, waiting to fall asleep. Over time, you associate going to bed with not being able to get to sleep. This can then trigger stress and anxiety at bedtime, making it even harder to sleep.

Our WHISPER mattress uses special dynamic foam that conforms to the shape of your body while cradling your pressure points. This helps stimulate circulation and good blood flow, which is beneficial to reduce anxiety and provide numerous physical and mental health benefits.

3. Tailor your environment

Once you have found the perfect type of mattress and pillow for your sleeping style and preference, you can focus on lifestyle choices that may be affecting your sleep quality. Start preparing for bed early and stick to a regular schedule as best you can – even on the weekends. Consider overestimating the time you have to sleep; if you want seven hours, give yourself eight for the extra time needed to actually fall asleep.

Also, controlling light, sound and temperature can help you get a good night’s rest. The darker, quieter, and cooler you can keep your bedroom, the greater the chance you have of calming your mind and falling asleep. Taking a cold shower or bath shortly before bed can also help lower your body temperature and help you fall asleep more quickly.

4. Limit caffeine and alcohol

Drinking too much caffeine or consuming it too late in the day can increase anxiety and inhibit sleep. Consuming alcohol close to bedtime can also increase your heart rate and keep you up. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, but don’t drink too much before bedtime, as trips to the bathroom can keep you anxious and alert.

5. Calm your mind

There are many relaxation techniques that can help you calm your mind throughout the day and improve sleep. Mindfulness meditation, yoga, and breathing exercise can help you achieve calm, but it can also be as simple as taking a walk when you have a short break at work. If you practice techniques for calming your mind during the day, then it will be easier to trigger your relaxation response at night.

6. Limit screen time

Your phone, tablet, and TV emit light that keeps your brain awake, so try to limit them an hour before bedtime. Checking email or doing work right before bed can also trigger anxious thoughts and make it difficult to calm your brain. Consider setting an alarm to remind you to shut screens off at an adequate time before bed. Instead, consider listening to music or reading a book to silence your mind.

7. Try aromatherapy

If you’re looking for a natural remedy, try aromatherapy. Scents like lavender, chamomile, and sandalwood have a good track record of helping to alleviate anxiety and stress. Light some scented incense or candles while you’re getting ready for bed perhaps. You can also try out some scented sleep sprays or pillow mists.

8. Ask for help

Sometimes managing anxious worry and improving sleep is more complicated than simply turning off your phone or getting adequate exercise. Never hesitate to ask for help if you need it from your doctor or a counselor. Sleep problems and anxiety are highly treatable, so consider whom you can recruit today to help you rest your mind and body.

Wrapping up

Anxiety and fatigue take a terrible toll on the body over time. Prioritize your mental health so that anxiety no longer takes a toll on your social relationships, work performance, and immune system. Whether it’s a few changes in your routine, a new mattress, or a prescription, it is possible to overcome anxiety and sleep dysfunction.



The Negative Impact of Electromagen …

We live in a generation where if something is not put up on social media, it basically never happened. We waste a moment by experiencing it through the lens of our smartphone camera rather than putting away the phone to watch the marvels of the world happen in front of our own eyes. We can’t deny that technology has massively eased tasks and means of communication to overcome barriers and enhance globalization to the rate at which we see it happening all around us today. However, all these electronics and technologies do have adverse effects. Have you ever thought what kind of harmful impact they have on our health or lifestyle? You’d be surprised how even in the smallest ways, eliminating technology in some cases, or only for some periods of time, can improve our quality of life.

Electronic devices emit something known as Electromagnetic Waves (EMF waves). These waves are ever useful in terms of how they enable speedy and real time transfer of information but the hidden side effects are not always seen or felt which can cause a certain number of health concerns over time. You might want to completely switch off your phone at night rather than switching it to silent mode, or even better, take that TV out of your bedroom and let your brain signals put you to sleep at peace without any interference and watch how your quality of sleep can massively improve.

How exactly do these waves affect us?

We aren’t speaking about the serene sound of waves crashing on the shore but the harmful, silent waves that make no sound but whose impact can be heard loud and clear over time. So, how exactly can these electromagnetic waves (EMFs) affect our day to day tasks and even our sleep?

EMFs equate to harmful radiation that may seem very “alien” like to our body. Our bodies don’t understand these types of signals and can, therefore, accumulate stress and even decrease immunity, making you more vulnerability to disease. Some of the short-term effects of EMF waves can appear in forms of occasional headaches, nausea and even small periods of hearing loss among people. Their intensity can vary according to the amount of exposure you get to this radiation on a daily basis. You might have also heard the talk regarding how it is highly discouraged for men or women to place laptops on their laps. The reasoning behind this could be one of the long terms effects of radiation that have been scientifically proven. Radiation can reduce sperm count in men and alter the environment in women’s reproductive systems resulting in infertility. Brain tumors and cancer have also been reported in very extreme cases.

It is highly advised to discourage children specifically from high exposure to electronics and other technological devices as the thickness of their skulls is lower than a fully grown adult’s which allows the waves to easily interfere. Parents are advised to carefully monitor the use of gadgets. Not to forget, the World Health Organization has conducted numerous studies to further prove that cellphone radiation is possibly carcinogenic.

You are probably eager to read about the real link between EMFs and sleep? Well, let’s get straight into it. Electromagnetic devices emit a form of non-ionizing EMFs on body tissue if we are near them as we sleep. These harmful radiations disrupt our sleep patterns due to interferences in our brain waves and immune system as well. Furthermore, the blue light that is lit up from every device or gadget has been researched and shown to potentially slow down the production of melatonin which is the hormone responsible for controlling our sleep cycle. Try to avoid scrolling through your social media feed late at night before you sleep, otherwise, the blue light will keep reducing melatonin resulting in a more stressful sleep.

It’s sad but true! Wi-Fi can be one of the main contributors to electromagnetic radiation in your surroundings, even if you aren’t using it. TVs, stereos, microwaves, air conditioners, and more can be other main sources of the harmful radiations in the environment. You might love falling asleep to watching your favorite series on TV but beware of this habit as studies have also proved a link between sleeping with your TV on and levels of depression. Leaving these devices and other electronics on the side, people of the 21st century still find it difficult to reach that deep level of wanted sleep which leads to poor moods when we are awake.

How do you break free of the waves?

It’s no breaking news. We undoubtedly have to limit our usage of electronics and in time of no use, switch them off! If it’s not possible to switch them off, then try to keep them at a fair distance, especially from your bed. It’s understandable that it has become a habit in the digital world we live in and within the social media age with millennials running around controlling the social media platforms. Don’t give in to the social pressure and allocate specific hours each day for electronic use for yourself and more preferably, your children.

At night, it is highly encouraged to switch off the Wi-Fi, your bedroom TV, and cell phones to furthermore allow your body to get the peaceful sleep it deserves. Limiting the EMF waves that disrupt your sleep hormones and interfere in our brain waves allows us to achieve the deep level of sleep we all crave in our hectic and jampacked lives. Remember to never keep your laptops on your lap for a long period of time and avoid Bluetooth headsets whenever possible and use the speakerphone instead.

To protect your precious and much needed sleep, keep as many EMFs away from the bedroom as possible! We spend a lot of time there and all that radiation can be the main cause of your sleep disturbance. In terms of blocking EMF waves for a more blissful sleep, we’ve got a surprise for you! Ever heard of a mattress that can potentially be the cure to all your sleep pains? WHISPER’s got it!

The WHISPER mattress is a new advanced concept in the market and is here to carve its way. Not only does it help you overcome the bothersome night sweats that you might face from time to time due to your mattress getting too warm- but it can also block EMF waves while you sleep! A special feature called the Silver Shield in the WHISPER mattress provides a grounding cable that is attached to the mattress and plugged into any power outlet to create an invisible shield around the be, blocking all EMFs. This ensures you get that peaceful and deep 8 hours of sleep you try to aim for each night. Not to forget the other wonderful features the mattress has such as the DNA core (soft and firm) to suit your sleeping preference, thermoregulating fabric to keep your mattress cool at night, clean and bacteria free surface and more!

Check out to get yours today and sleep EMF wave free!



What Are the Types of Mattresses an …

Nowadays in the eventful and strenuous life we live, nothing is more precious and chased after than sleep. Unfortunately, when we do get that wonderful opportunity to score some well-deserved rest, it may not go as planned due to different reasons. You may have woken up at least a few times in your life with a backache from a wrong sleeping position you unintentionally caved into all night long, or it was simply the stiffness or intense heat of your mattress.

It has probably never crossed your mind, but have you ever wondered about the extent of which the surface you sleep on each night can affect your quality of sleep, and ultimately your performance and mood throughout your day? Yes! Your choice of mattress can be a great influence when it comes to your quality and quantity of sleep. That alluring large piece of heaven you yearn for each minute at work can do wonders for your sleep and health altogether; if the right mattress is carefully picked and personalized to match your sleep style. Otherwise, it can be the reason of unknown pains and restless nights with multiple episodes of night sweats!

You might have got your mattress back at home from your local department store or the nearest low-cost furniture store at a very economical price, but have you thought of the price you pay in terms of your health and comfort for such a “good buy”? The main two types of mattresses that can be found are usually foam or spring mattresses. Both mattresses can be somewhat decent depending on what you look for to perfect that blissful sleep. However, be assured that both types of mattresses do come with a great number of cons.

Take a look at the flip side of your mattress!

Memory foam mattresses seem to be the more popular option between the two due to its durability and body support it provides. But don’t be fooled! Memory foam mattresses are the number one culprit when it comes to excessive sweating at night. The mattress contours to the shape of your body for a “cuddle” that you might end up regretting when it gets too hot at night causing great discomfort for sleepers, especially those who do suffer greatly from hot flashes. It offers support in terms of adjusting to your body shape due to its flexible nature, but this might be a big negative for those who prefer a firm surface to sleep on and this leads to a lower back support problem. Not to forget, the traditional memory foam mattresses are known to have a number of chemicals involved in its manufacture, hence certain odors can be rather off-putting. As it is also difficult to clean, odors from drink or food spills on the bed can create an odor and hygiene issue in the long run.

Even though they are the firmer alternative, spring mattresses are not any better! They might not retain body heat like foam mattresses do, but they have big issues when it comes to motion transfer. Often, spring mattresses enable any movement to be to be felt all over the bed and this could be particularly disturbing when sleeping next to a partner. Furthermore, spring mattresses are known to wear out quickly and start to bulge in, making them a poor investment as they have to be replaced quite often due to their short lifespan. A big disadvantage of a spring mattress is definitely the uneven body weight distribution. As the springs support various pressure points around the body, this can cause spine or joint problems as the coils in the mattress simply push weight back on the same pressure points. Cleaning of the mattress is also an issue as dust mites tend to grow and flourish where it is difficult to reach and this often creates many allergy problems with sensitive individuals.

Feel the difference with WHISPER

We have seen the long list of cons associated with the two most popular mattresses being used today. But why not go for something that provides the best of what both mattresses have to offer? If you are tired of the bothersome and continuous night sweats and achy backs, give WHISPER a try.

The WHISPER mattress uses a layer of Quantum Foam that outdoes the traditional memory foam mattress by using adaptive open-cell foam. Quantum foam makes the mattress breathable and well ventilated, which fixes the number one concern of the typical memory foam mattress, excessive body heat being trapped, leading to unbearable night sweats. WHISPER’s thermoregulating fabric helps you stay even cooler, regulating the mattress’ temperature to perfect your deep sleep. The Quantum foam is highly responsive, improving blood circulation to your arms and legs while preventing cramps. Overcoming another concern in the other mattresses, WHISPER ‘s anti-bacterial properties, such as being completely glue free and being made out of real silver yarn that naturally ionizes to furthermore prevent bacteria growth and bad odors over time.

I know I can’t be the only one to cozy up in bed with a nice cup of tea ready to watch my favorite show, only to spill that tea all over my precious mattress. Well, good news! The soft mattress fabric can be unzipped and put in the wash to ensure a clean surface to always sleep on and to discourage unwanted odors from forming over time. And how annoying is it when you are used to flipping your regular mattress over to get a non-bulgy side? You don’t have to do that anymore with WHISPER. The WHISPER mattress contains the DNA core, meaning one side is firm and the other is soft, one to suit whatever your sleep needs are. The larger sizes even have two DNA cores, so each sleeping partner can choose soft or firm for themselves independently of one another!

WHISPER can never disappoint. Who would have thought it can get any better? It certainly does! Living in the technological age, you must have at least 3 electronic devices in your room. Cellphones, laptops, and other electronics emit harmful electromagnetic waves which may interfere with your sleep patterns due to brain frequency interference. WHISPER provides a technology known as the Silver Shield. A grounding cable which is attached to your mattress creates a protective barrier to prevent electromagnetic waves from entering your bed.

Yes, sure you might be emotionally (maybe physically, too!) attached to your mattress and find it hard to let go as you’ve gotten too comfortable. Well, great sleep happens when you step out of your comfort zone! Try out WHISPER and feel the difference today, you’ll definitely thank us for the journey of wonderful sleep that we have set you out on. And if you don’t like it (but you definitely will,) we offer a 100-night risk-free trial, meaning you can return it with no questions asked.
